GOP, Home to Trump and Tea Party, Decries Dems’ Mob Rule

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans are forecasting nightmarish Democratic “mob rule” to amp up GOP voters for next month’s critical midterm elections, flipping the script from complaints that it’s Trump and the Tea Party movement who’ve boosted rowdy and divisive tactics to dangerous levels. Less than a month from voting in…

McConnell: Democrats are Aiming ‘Mud and Muck’ at Kavanaugh  

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell accused Democrats on Tuesday of opening “the flood gates of mud and muck” against Brett Kavanaugh as Republicans sought to portray efforts to derail the Supreme Court nominee over accusations of sexual assault in the 1980s as “the politics of personal destruction.” The Kentucky Republican’s combative remarks…

GOP – And Some Democrats, Too – Reject Talk of Impeachment

WASHINGTON (AP) — The day after President Donald Trump was implicated in a federal crime, members of both parties dismissed talk of impeachment, with some Democrats expressing fears Wednesday about such a politically risky step, and Republicans shrugging off the accusations or withholding judgment. The legal entanglements surrounding Trump — the guilty plea by former…