Football in St. Louis has been the origin point for many memories.
While most remember they heyday of The Greatest Show on Turf” there is another flavor of football that had impact that continues to resonate in the hearts and minds of those in the St. Louis area.
We are of course, referring to The Big Red: The St. Louis Cardinals football team, that existed from 1960 until 1987.
As an original transplant from the Chicago area, the St. Louis Cardinals professional football team played their first game in the original Busch Stadium in October, 1967 and played their final game as a St. Louis-based team in December of 1987.
What kind of lasting impact do the players, the team and the legacy have on the St. Louis area?
Join KTRS’ Brandon Weise and Fox 2 News’ Martin Kilcoyne in a truly unique revisit to a time filled with big players, big memories and even bigger impact on our economy, history and more.
It’s The Big Red Retrospective – only on The Big550 – KTRS!
Help us promote the event and revel in the frigid hard-hitting memories of yesteryear!
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