WASHINGTON (AP) – On the eve of the Wisconsin primary, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is now predicting that he’s “going to have a really, really big victory.”
Trump’s rhetoric in the state has grown increasingly confident over the last three days. Saturday morning, he was on the defensive, complaining about the coverage he’s received from the state’s talk radio and suggested that his message wasn’t getting through to voters.
But as he’s moved from rally to rally in the state ?- many of them featuring crowds in the thousands -? in recent days, he’s grown more optimistic, moving from thinking he “could surprise” to Monday morning in LaCrosse all but guaranteeing victory.
Trump was down by 10 points to his Republican rival Ted Cruz in a recent state poll.
Local officials said about 2,000 people had gathered in LaCrosse’s convention center on the banks of Mississippi River. Trump has also rallies scheduled Monday for Superior, Wisconsin and Milwaukee.