National News

Ryan: ‘Disheartening’ politics risks distrust of government

WASHINGTON (AP) - House Speaker Paul Ryan is calling for a loftier and more hopeful politics amid an ugly and chaotic presidential campaign. The Wisconsin Republican tells an audience on Capitol Hill that it's "easy to get disheartened" about the state of politics. But he says: "It did not used to be this bad, and…
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Delaware cybersecurity panel begins work with secret meeting

DOVER, Del. (AP) - A cybersecurity advisory council formed by Gov. Jack Markell has begun its business by holding what officials called an "emergency" executive session. The chairman of the panel called the secret session at its inaugural meeting Wednesday so members could hear an FBI cyberthreat briefing. The agenda for the public meeting said…
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Veterans are using pot to ease PTSD, despite scant research

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) - A growing number of states are weighing whether to legalize marijuana to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. But for many veterans, the debate is already over. They're increasingly using cannabis even though it remains illegal in most states and is unapproved by the Department of Veterans Affairs because major studies have yet…
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Trump says he would consider hotel in Cuba

WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump says he would consider opening a Trump hotel in Cuba under certain conditions. In an interview with CNN's Situation Room Monday, the billionaire real estate mogul said that "Cuba has certain potential," but that there are other factors, namely the 49 percent interest rate, that need to…
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Latest from President Obama’s trip to Havana

HAVANA (AP) - President Obama says he believes the Cuban trade embargo is going to end, and while he can't predict when that will be, he believes it will happen at some point because the embargo has not served the interest of the U.S. or the Cuban people. Obama says the U.S. has exercised as much…
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