National News

AP Poll: Americans scared of their presidential options

WASHINGTON (AP) - The vast majority of Americans say they are afraid of at least one of the two major candidates for president winning the White House, a remarkable finding that reflects an unsettled nation unhappy with its choice. A new AP-GfK poll finds that 81 percent of Americans say they would feel afraid following…
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GOP convention rules panel takes abrupt recess

WASHINGTON (AP) - A pivotal committee of delegates at the Republican National Convention has abruptly taken a recess of several hours, just as it was beginning to consider rules changes proposed by conservatives and foes of presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump. Some delegates said the Trump campaign and top GOP officials were trying to see…
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Georgia high court declines to stop execution

The execution would be the sixth in Georgia this year and the most in a calendar year in the state since the death penalty was reinstated nationwide in 1976
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