(KTRS) – Some goods news is coming for drivers who use Grand near I-44: MoDOT plans to reopen several portions of the road around the ongoing project on Grand.
Late Thursday crews will reopen Lafayette at Grand and that will also open the ramp between westbound 44 and Grand. On Saturday between 6 am and 2 pm, crews will close Grand over 44 in both directions so they can then reopen the northbound stretch of the bridge.
All scheduled work is weather permitting.
Crews will reopen Lafayette between Louisiana and Grand late Thursday, November 3. That will reopen the connection between the westbound I-44 ramp and Grand.
Crews will close Grand over I-44 in both directions on Saturday, November 5, between 6 a.m. and 2 p.m. to reopen the northbound bridge. Drivers may use Vandeventer, Chouteau and Jefferson to detour around the closure.
During the closure, crews will be removing the median barrier and striping Grand in both directions. When the roadway reopens, two through traffic lanes in each direction and the bike lanes will be in their final configuration.
However, crews still must complete work on the median, so drivers will still not be able to make a left turn from northbound Grand to westbound I-44, nor make a left turn from southbound Grand to eastbound I-44.
Crews will have all lanes open to traffic on Grand before December 1; however, they will continue work (such as landscaping) though next spring using off-peak lane closures.