The St. Louis Development Corporation says it now has an agreement with several mortgage lenders, and can now begin accepting applications to help those that qualify purchase a home in the City. The Homebuyer Assistance Program is for 1st time homebuyers in St.Louis. Those that qualify will receive up to $50,000 in the form of a forgivable loan with zero % interest and no monthly payments for up to 15 years. The loan money can be used for down payments or closing costs, and must be combined with a 30 year mortgage. To qualify, borrowers must be a 1st time homebuyer with-in the City limits, meet the household income limits by family size…meaning 80% of Area median Income, and they must complete a HUD approved Homebuyer Education Corse. Spokesperson Lance Knuckles says they anticipate adding more lenders to the program and that financial institutions are invited to apply now. The St.Louis Development Corporation says the program will close once the funds run out, or at the end of 2026, which ever comes first. Steve Potter, KTRS News.