Highway Shutdown in Metro-East

January 30, 2025

Motorists who use Interstate 255 in the Metro-East are reminded that a stretch of that highway will be shut down in both directions for about 6 months beginning on Saturday. Details from KTRS’ Steve Potter. Officials say that by shutting down the highway completely in both directions construction work will be completed in 6 months instead of staging the work over multiple years, as is usually the case. 255 will be closed South of 64 from IL15 to 157, which runs between Centerville and Cahokia. The project includes bridge repairs, new lighting and guardrails, improved signage and drainage, as well as the replacement of badly deteriorated pavement that has been there since the highway was built in 1984. This section of the highway carries between 48,000 and 71,000 vehicles a day. The IL Transportaion Dept. says shutting down the highway in both directions will deliver improvements quicker and at a reduced cost and they anticipate that stretch of the highway reopening by late July. You can find suggested alternate routes and timelines on I-Dots website. Steve Potter, KTRS News.