Advertise with The Big 550 KTRS
At KTRS, we understand that reaching listeners is crucial to delivering news, traffic, sports, and information. Using the same avenue, YOU can reach our listeners to promote your company and/or product. KTRS offers two ways of advertising: on-air and online.
Mark Dorsey
President & General Manager
314-453-5536 | [email protected]
- KTRS Radiothon
- BackStoppers Radiothon
- Great Rivers Greenway
- KTRS Honors
- KTRS Pink
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Testimonials from Our Advertisers
For General Comments or Concerns: Mark Dorsey
For Advertising: Mark Dorsey
For Programming Questions: Mark Moser
KTRS App / Website inquiries: Lily Schnieders
For Weekday Show comments or inquiries please text 84126 during the show or email the shows producer directly. Those can be found on their pages on
KTRS The Big 550 AM
638 West Port Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63146
Office: (314) 453-5500
On-The-Air: (314) 931-5877
News: (314) 453-9774
School Closings: (314) 453-5555
Text your comment/answer: 84126
Fax: (314) 453-9704